Thoughts From a Traveller Returning Home to COVID-19

I have to chuckle to myself every time I begin to write a post on my blog because there in front of me are always the words: “What is on your mind?” If truth be told there is always something on my mind since I suffer from the disease that most of us have today and that is over thinking.  

What a loaded question for us bloggers at this time! How could the thing on our minds be anything other than COVID-19 which has taken over our world in such a short time? For the past week we have been daily, if not hourly, bombarded with information on the latest government action based on our need to self-isolate, practice social distancing, and how we can deal with it…or else!

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A Parade for the Pollution Problem in Chiang Mai

The day for the climate change protest… or parade* as the Thai prefer to call it… to address the air pollution problem in Chiang Mai came close to being a non-event for me. After having some doubts about braving the heat and smog to get to the starting point, I decided I must do the right thing and make the effort to appear at least to show my support. Grabbing my hand made poster, sunhat, facemask,  water and other sundries needed for protection and hydration, I started out.

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