7 thoughts on “Exploring Nova Scotia’s District of Clare

  1. Pingback: Mavillette Beach… At Last! | BetsTravelsAbout

  2. What a delightful post. I love how you wander and truly take in what is there. Learning to do that is a skill that not a lot of people have. Those wonderful impromptu meals at the best local places are so amazing because somehow that’s where you land at the right time!


  3. Hello Betty,I called the telephone number I had in my phone for you but got a message that it was not assigned so decided to email.

    Good to see from your blog that you are getting out and about in the Maritime bubble.  All socially distanced and masked with lots of hand washing for good measure too I am sure. I am writing with sad news.  Mary Murphy passed away 2 years ago.  I am not sure if you know already.  I found out just a few days ago. At 70 now I find myself looking back and reviewing my life.  Part of that is looking closely how and why I have done things in my life.  I asked a good friend, one of the ministers at our church who has retired, if she could do some spiritual direction with me.  What a fabulous experience it has been ….. and we have only met twice.  Debbie and our minister welcomed Mark and I with open arms when we retired and moved into Brampton where Mark’s best friend is on the next block in the exact same house.  Debbie was also one of the first people to learn when I began teaching Centering Prayer a Christian meditation revived by Fr. Thomas Keating. In thinking about my life, I thought of Mary Murphy who was in Master Mind with us.  At one point, after she retired from the cruising business, she became interested in The Passion Test.  When I retired I did a few sessions with her and found it helpful. I checked my laptop and brought up the document I had written with her guidance and decided to call her.  I hadn’t spoken to her in several years.  The last number I had for her was her Mother’s home number.  So I called it. When I heard hello, it sounded like Mary so I said Hello Mary, so nice to hear your voice.  The voice on the other end of the line said This is not Mary but her sister Helen.  Who is calling?  I said my name and that I was a friend of Mary’s but hadn’t spoken to her in several years.  Helen said I am sorry to be the bearer of this news but Mary passed away 2 years ago of a tumor in her brain which was inoperable.   I was shocked, offered my condolences and asked what happened.  Mary was living with her Mum and began showing symptoms so went to the doctor who took brain scans etc, etc, and declared that she had a large inoperable tumor in her brain. Mary’s sister Helen had just retired 3 months previously from her job in Victoria  BC so was free to come east and help both her Mum and Mary who each considered the other their best friend. Helen said that Mary was her sweet, positive self to the end.  The family tried to contact friends (you might have been one of them) from her address book and phone but I didn’t receive a call.   I told Helen Shirley’s story of burst brain anyuerism and that she had been in a nursing home for almost 5 years.  Interesting that they both had issues in their brains. So Betty, I wanted you to know.  It is sad news.  Helen is now living with her Mum who is 95 years old and still active.  She is grieving the loss of Mary.  She has had 2 knees replaced at the same time.  And then several years later 2 hips replaced at the same time.  A strong and healthy woman even at 95.  Mark and I are doing embarrassingly well during COVID.  The only downside is that we don’t get to see our children and grandchildren as often as we want to.  The contemplative life and having our calendars wiped clean was not a hardship to us.  It actually gave us (and everyone else in the world) an opportunity to reassess how we live life.  Since COVID I have been offering group Centering Prayer meditations 5 days a week to the people I have taught.  I am enjoying it thoroughly.

    Trust you are well.  Enjoy your travels in the maritimes.Blessings,SueCell 647-302-8596 Sent from Rogers Yahoo Mail on Android


  4. Hi Betty! So nice to hear about your recent travels. We are being very careful and it has paid off with almost 2 weeks with no cases.I probably will not be up your way but have googled your area and can’t wait to explore. You mentioned possibly about getting together if you come to Dartmouth. Let me know and we possibly can meet. Stay safe and be well! Judy

    Sent from my iPhone



  5. Been down that way way a few times. Robichaud now open and you can sit insiside. You did well. Gorgeous views along there. The take out opposite the church a churchnpoint is excellent. With lobster poutine.


  6. Loved your post Betty. I have visited all those places and it is one of my favourite places in Nova Scotia. Have you ever thought of renting an overnight cabin and carrying on for the second day? Love, Jill

    On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 8:24 PM BetsTravelsAbout wrote:

    > betstravelsabout posted: ” My travel bug to explore a new place or to > revisit an old one will often surface on a Sunday. Wouldn’t you know the > bug decided to make its appearance on a recent Sunday that didn’t hold much > promise for any sun, but at least no threat of rain in the” >


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